One Touch

A private security company decided to address one of Delhi’s most pressing concerns: personal security. The big idea was an SOS app for consumers in distress. On-ground response teams trained to deal with physical intimidation, first aid and other emergencies would now provide Delhi-ites a safer environment.

Our idea was for the socially mobile and digitally aware masses, so we kept it simple and compelling – HELP IS ALWAYS JUST A TAP AWAY. Amidst fear of growing apathy in society, we decided to make ‘one-touch’ the core focus of our communication, so that consumers would feel secure with the accessibility of help.

Emergency often strikes when we least expect it and have our guard down. We therefore setup installations are various points where danger may be lurking, without us having any inkling of it. Roads, malls and housing societies became ground zero for our campaign of ‘one-touch’ security. One-touch was made to connote the speed and efficiency, the two crucial aspects of security in emergencies.

We took our message of ‘one-touch’ to RWAs, Cyberhub. Rahagiri and Delhi Metro. Cyberhub was fitted with seats that played musical notes on being pressed demonstrating that all you need is one touch to raise an alarm! Gigantic bells were created as installations with the same message – one touch to raise an alarm. Bike brigades and bouncers carried the message across Delhi/NCR.

  • The 'one-touch' campaign touched a nerve!
  • 30,000 on ground leads generated
  • Sharp increase in app downloads and subscribers
  • Buzz created in RWAs and key areas

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